16 November 2011

King of the Beach

I went to Puerto Rico last summer.
Aside from the benefits of being able to legally drink, the place was fucking gorgeous.
We climbed waterfalls and ziplined over rivers through the jungle canopy.
I ate fresh tropical fruit straight from the tree.
To get to such a location, we took a long drive that literally brought us up the face of a mountain.
On our way out, we stopped at what the locals and guides call "downtown", a central location to the sparsely populated groups of people living in those mountains. It consisted of nothing more than a cantina and small convenience store.
My brother met the town drunk.
He had a bunch of hats.
Later that week, my family and I made a trip to El Yunque National Forest. While my family took a trek to get to a waterfall crowded with tourists, I chose to investigate the tributaries by myself.
This is what I saw.


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